Welcome! Here we have gathered some information for our English-speaking residents. If there's anything else you're wondering about, feel free to reach out to us on styrelsen@mittgladan.se. For clarification and corrections about this page, please email elin@mittgladan.se.
We want our properties, both inside and out, to be nice and clean and therefore it is not permitted for anyone but the board and Fastighetsägarna to put up advertisements or other notices in our property, including entrances, stairwells and elevators.
Think about your neighbours and do not use the balcony, terrace or patio as a cleaning place for carpets, bedding and such. Flowers are beautiful, but keep in mind that the flower box must hang on the inside of the railing so it does not risk falling down. Please consider your downstairs neighbours when watering.
It is the apartment owner's responsibility to remove snow from balconies, terraces and patios in the winter. It is also the responsibility of each apartment owner to ensure that the wells are rinsed.
Bicycles must be parked in bicycle racks or in bicycle rooms as we do not want loose bicycles either outdoors or indoors. Bicycle racks are available in our garages and in our bicycle rooms
Electrical scooters are allowed in the bicycle racks and rooms, however, toy scooters are not. When there is bare ground, these can instead be stored in the stroller rooms. But put them away when the snow comes to make room for sledges, sleds and snow racers. There’s currently no electrical outlets available to charge the scooters.
Please note that it is not permitted to store bicycles or scooters in the stairwells as they are both a fire risk and a hindrance when evacuating!
Everyone within this housing association pays for their own electricity and hot water consumption. Consumption and cost are reported on the association fee.
This also applies to extra heat in the apartment. The association heats the apartments to about 21 degrees (mid-way up on the temperature box). It is possible to provide extra heat in the apartment by adjusting the temperature box which is usually located in the hallway of each apartment. Extra heat is charged and reported in the same way as water consumption.
In our parking garage on the -2 basement floor there are parking spaces with a charging box. The places are rented out, so you have your own place and charger. You pay for the electricity consumed using a charge card from EWAYS via bank or credit card. The charging boxes are fed with 100% renewable electricity from hydropower.
A round the clock customer service and a charging portal is included.
The charging boxes in our garage are of the model HALO Wallbox ™ from Charge Amps. These can provide charging up to 3.7 kw (16A, one phase) and are a connected charging box.
HALO Wallbox™ is one of the most flexible charging boxes available on the market, and it comes with a fixed cable. This allows you to easily connect your car without having to bring a separate cable each time, which you will notice is a great convenience. The charging box gives you charging for about 20 km per hour.
Power: up to 3.7 kw (16A)
Length of charging cable: 7.5 meters
Contact: Type2
Other: Authentication via card (RFID), connected with operational monitoring.
More information about the charger can be found at Charge Amps
After you have received an agreement for a parking space with a charging box, we activate your charging box and you need a charging card from EWAYS. The charging card is ordered via the link below.
If you need support for a charging box or charging card, call EWAYS: 010-121 94 01.
If you are interested in a parking space with a charging box, you can read more here.
If someone has parked at your place, contact styrelse@mittgladan.se. Also take a picture of the car’s registration plate.
The Board approves such a change with the following reservations:
Each building have one large and one small elevator. To call on the large elevator, push the button for "Stor hiss". If you want to call on any elevator, push the button that only says "hiss" (the small elevator).
Please only use the large elevator when moving and be careful when holding up the door. The elevators are fragile and can break if not handled with care.
While the board members happily engage with the association’s Facebook page, we would like for all official enquiries to be emailed to styrelsen@mittgladan.se for organisation purposes. Please note that the board is currently not in charge of the Facebook page or it’s moderation.
Annual fee
The annual fee is divided into 12 equal monthly fees, which are paid to the Fastighetsägarna, that manage the housing association's financials. The monthly fee must - without a reminder from the association - be paid in due time, so it is received by the association no later than the last weekend day of the month. Otherwise a late fee will be charged.
Fees are paid to bank number 5368-8412. The bank number is on the invoices. If you have Kivra, the invoice will be sent there. If you do not have Kivra, the invoices will come for you for the first quarter of the year in paper format.
If you want to register for e-invoice or direct debit, you can do so in your internet bank, but in the first quarter invoices will not be deducted automatically, and must be paid manually.
Other fees
The association charges fees for administering transfers and pledges and if a member has not fulfilled his / her duties, or in the event of unauthorized renovation.
Together with Stockholm Vatten och Avfall (Stockholm Water and Waste), we can offer you as a resident the opportunity to recycle leftover food. With your help, the food waste becomes biogas and new nutrients at the same time as the costs for the association's waste collection are reduced.
Nearly 40 percent of what ends up in the garbage bag is food waste. If the food leftovers and potato peels are instead sorted out, they can be treated biologically and converted into biogas and biofertilizer. The biogas is used as fuel for garbage trucks, buses and cars. Biofertilizer is used as plant nutrients for arable land.
To order starter kits and / or new bags for food waste recycling, email us with the following information:
Do not forget to enter Food Recycling in the title
A starter kit contains a holder (which fits in our kitchens), sink scraper and an information folder from Stockholm Vatten och Avfall. You can also order new bags in the same form, if you state you only want new bags.
In our property there are garage spaces up for rent. Contact our property manager for availability and price. We can now also offer you accommodation and your visitors the opportunity to park in the garage for a shorter time, from 1 hour and up to 31 days, for a fee.
This is easily managed through SMS Park. Instructions are also available in the garage in front of the short-term spaces. All you need to do is text 4848 Registration number Social security number, (eg 4878 ABC123 YYMMDDXXXX) to 0700-404040. Then to finish, it is enough that you text "Avsluta" to 0700-404040 again, and drive away.
Perfect when relatives and friends are visiting or when you are temporarily in need of a parking space.
You will find two places for short-term parking on floor -1 (K1) just inside the garage door. The places are marked in orange and clear instructions are in place.In our garage there is also the possibility of electric car charging. See more under Electric car charging.
Only electric or gas grills are approved for use on balconies and terraces. As far as safety is concerned, you may only have a gas tube on a terrace of size P11.
NOTE - you are responsible for the tube being approved, and that your hoses are well controlled and not leaking. Always have a fire extinguisher near you.
The housing association has a property insurance at the insurance company IF via Proinova Agency. From January 2023, each member do not have to add the supplemental insurance for their apartments, so called "bostadsrättstillägg" since this will be included in the common property insurance. Full terms can be found here (in Swedish).
For information on how to report a damage, please visit: proinova.se/fefonline/vid_skada/ - Remember to state our organization number: 769625-8057
For damages of larger extent (like in the case of a water leakage), please always invole the board via styrelse@mittgladan.se
To add new / change / delete your name / number on the intercom, please email kundservice@fastighetsagarna.se with the following information, and they will take care of it.
When you get a call from the intercom, press 5 on your phone to open the door.
Our internet provider is Bahnhof, as we have signed a collective agreement for the entire association including both Internet and TV, where Sappa is a subcontractor to Bahnhof.
The router and TV box belong to the apartment and should be left behind when moving. If you have problems with the Internet or TV, contact the respective support. If you want to end your subscription when moving, contact Bahnhof and Sappa respectively. If the router or tv box is missing when you move in, that's a matter between buyer and seller.
For internet: www.bahnhof.se
For TV: www.sappa.se
More information about copying of keys can be found under Dokument - Lås och nycklar
To order a new key tag for our property, you need to email kundservice@fastighetsagarna.se
You will receive an email from the administration when it’s ready to be delivered. Collection and receipt you do at Fastighetsägarna, Alströmergatan 14, 112 47 Stockholm. Other conditions are set out below.
Lost or damaged key tag is not reimbursed by the association.
The cost for a new key tag currently sits at 300kr.
Collection and receipt takes place at Fastighetsägarna, Alströmergatan 14, 112 47 Stockholm.
Please bring some personal identification when collecting. Note that only members of the housing association can collect additional key tags.
The membership application (can be found under documents) should sent completed and signed to styrelsen@mittgladan.se together with a copy of the purchase agreement. The board reviews the member and returns the decision via email to brokers and property owners. Processing time max 30 days (board meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of the month).
Common mistakes made here are:
Crash damage to our garage door: Latest incident approx. SEK 30,000
Leaving large rubbish in our recycling room: SEK 2,500
Things dropped between an elevator door and shaft: Latest repair approx. SEK 200,000
Gravel in the rail for the door in the elevator: SEK 4,000
Graffiti on walls etc.: SEK 300-30,000
Holding up elevator doors for too long: SEK 2,500
Throwing rubbish on the floor in the garage: SEK 2,000
We hope you enjoy your new home.
As you probably know, we are a young association with good finances. You become a member of a housing association, which is a big difference from passive rental housing. This means that you are one of the 183 stakeholders who will be involved and work for the association's best interests in developing our joint housing.
On this page, lots of people have helped out to gather useful little tidbits of things good to know as a new member. As you become more at home and a question arises, more information is available on the website.
Do not hesitate to contact the board if there is anything in particular that you are wondering about.
Housing supplement in home insurance
The housing association has a property insurance at IF. From januari 2023, each member do not have to add the supplemental insurance for their apartments, so called "bostadsrättstillägg" since this will be included in the common property insurance. Full terms can be found here (in Swedish).
Collective electricity agreement
The housing association has signed a collective electricity agreement with Fortum and, therefore, you do not need to sign your own electricity agreement in connection with the move. Electricity is charged at the same time as the apartment fee.
E-invoice / direct debit
The monthly fee is always paid in advance and the monthly notices are sent out via my messages or Kivra quarterly, with three payment vouchers from our financial manager Fastighetsägarna. You can also apply to pay by direct debit by filling in a form available on www.fastighetsagarna.se.
Housing Folder
This housing association has no demands that you keep physical copies of all information regarding the apartment. Instead, we try to collect that information here on the website.
Our financial manager, Fastighetsägarna, is responsible for registering mortgage deeds and endorsements of these.
Send a mortgage deed and a pre-stamped letter to your bank that is to have the mortgage deed, and the Fastighetsägarna will arrange the endorsement and registration. The reason for this is that they have to register all mortgage prescriptions per apartment, therefore they take care of this.
Time to move? We hope you have enjoyed being a member of Brf Gladan. If you have any feedback for the association, the board would love to hear about it, both the good and the things we can improve upon. Below, a number of members have helped gather information about things that are good to think about in connection with the move.
Best of luck in the future!
When you move out, it is important that you unsubscribe your phone number from the intercom.
You do this by sending an email to kundservice@fastighetsagarna.se and enter the apartment number, telephone number to be disconnected and the names connected to the number (Do not forget to unsubscribe other family members who have their phone numbers connected to the intercom)!
Garage or parking space
When you sell your apartment, you must cancel your garage or parking space, and this is done by contacting kundservice@fastighetsagarna.se. There is a 3-month cancellation period in the agreement. The IR transmitter for the garage space must also be returned to the board member responsible for parking spaces.
Collective electricity agreement
As a seller, you do not have to terminate an electricity agreement as this agreement has been signed between the housing association and the electricity supplier. It is important to keep in mind when selling that sellers and buyers must agree on who pays monthly fees and electricity consumption, depending on when you move in and out. Since electricity consumption is invoiced in arrears, it is important that sellers and buyers agree on how to settle the payment. A tip is to write it in the purchase agreement. The association bears no responsibility for this, it is settled between seller and buyer.
The following belong to each apartment and must therefore be handed over in the event of a sale / eviction:
Router from Bahnhof and TV box from Sappa
Router and TV box are not personal, but belong to each apartment and must therefore be handed over at the sale. This equipment (boxes, cables, etc.) used for the internet / TV must also be left to the next owner. If you as a seller have an extra channel offer or faster network speed, you must terminate the agreement or let the subscription accompany you to the next home. The association bears no responsibility for this, it is settled between seller and buyer.
The smoke alarm
Each apartment has been assigned at least one smoke alarm by the association, which must be left behind as it belongs to the apartment. Replace batteries in the smoke alarm regularly. Check the battery by pressing the button on the smoke alarm and if it emits a signal, it will work.
To change the nameplate on your door / mailbox, please email kundservice@fastighetsagarna.se, and state the following:
First & Last Name
Apartment number
And also what you want to have changed
They will handle the update as soon as possible. In the event of a name change after moving in, the residents will be invoiced a cost of SEK 100.
Read more under Garage
Bostadsrättsföreningen Brf Gladan with organisation number 769625-8057 ("bostadsrättsföreningen") collects and processes personal information about you as a member, resident relative or supplier. Our handling of your personal data is based on the provisions of current law regarding the handling of personal data. The information below indicates what information we may process about you, but this does not mean that we necessarily process all this information at any given time. Our goal with this policy is to clearly describe how we collect, use, display, transmit and store your information.
Bostadsrättsföreningen is responsible for personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Ordinance (GDPR) for the processing of personal data that takes place in the relationship with you who are:
The housing association is also responsible for the processing of personal data that takes place on the housing association's website.
We collect and process personal information about you as a member. According to the Swedish laws, the housing association has to maintain and manage apartment and member registers. The personal information we collect is that required by law and needed to fulfill the purpose of the housing association's constitution. The personal information we collect is:
We collect and process personal information about you as a live-in relative. The personal information we collect is:
We collect and process personal information about you as a subtenant. The personal information we collect is:
We collect and process personal information about you as a contact person for one of our suppliers. The personal information we collect is:
The main purposes of the housing association's processing of personal data are to meet the requirements that the housing association has to run its business.
For you who are a member, this means that we handle your personal information to maintain the housing association's membership and apartment register. We handle your personal data to handle notification, withdrawals and payments as well as accounting. We also handle your personal information in order to be able to contact you in such matters that concern you as a resident of the housing association.
For you who are a resident relative, this means that we handle your personal information in order to be able to contact you in such matters that concern you as a resident in the housing association.
For those of you who rent an apartment second-hand from one of our members, we handle your personal information in order to be able to handle the consent to the rental and to be able to get in touch with you in such matters concerning your housing in the housing association.
For you as a contact person for one of the housing association's suppliers, we handle your personal information in order to maintain a supplier register and manage the cooperation with your employer.
We only use your personal information for the purpose for which we have collected it.
The housing association saves the personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the above purposes, fulfill the housing association's commitment and current legislation.
Thereafter, the personal data will be deleted or de-identified.
If you have agreed to your personal data being processed, they will still be deleted when you revoke your consent if they are not needed for any other legal obligations.
Your information is shown to and handled by the board members and deputy board members in your housing association and for the elected auditor.
The housing association provides personal data to suppliers hired by the housing association to carry out the processing as above. We establish an assistant agreement with each contracted supplier to ensure that our personal data is handled and protected in an adequate manner.
Your information may be disclosed to third parties when required to do so by law or when you have given consent to a third party. This applies, for example, when a broker is hired by you to sell your apartment.
In the event that you request information about which personal data is registered about you, you have the right to order information about the personal data we process about you by sending an application for this to styrelsen@mittgladan.se
To order a remote control for our garage, go to “Contact us" and provide the following information in the form.
When it is ready to be delivered, you will receive an email from the administration. Collection and receipt you do at Alströmergatan 14, 112 47 Stockholm. Other conditions are set out below.
Please note that this housing association does not approve rentals through Airbnb or similar agencies. We only approve of contracts at least two months long.
If you want to sublet your apartment, you must first obtain a written permission from the board. The subletting must be time-limited and approval is given for a maximum of one year at a time. Renewed application can be approved no more than twice. In order for subletting to be approved by the board, a valid reason for the rental must exist. Examples of such reasons are:
The procedure for subletting is as follows
1. A written application for subletting is submitted to the association's board.
The application must contain:
2. The association's board goes through and assesses:
3. The board gives written notice regarding the leasing following a decision at a board meeting.
4. The subleasing can take place, provided that the board's notice as above allows it.
Please note that the above process takes some time (the board normally meets about once a month), so please make sure to make the arrangements well in advance.
Terms for subletting
Short term rental
This housing association does not approve rentals via Airbnb or similar agencies.
Monthly fee
The association member is still responsible for the monthly fee being paid on time.
Rental fee
The association charges a fee from those who sublet their apartment. The fee per year is corresponding to 10% of the current base amount for the year the apartment is sublet. If the apartment is rented during part of the year, the fee is calculated according to the number of calendar months that the apartment is rented.
Subletting form
The form for subletting can be found in "For members" (“För medlemmar”).
This must be filled in, signed and sent to styrelsen@mittgladan.se. Processing time is approximately 30 days.
We have storages available for rent, please contact kundservice@fastighetsagarna.se regarding availability and price for these. Burglary and attempted burglary in the storages are unfortunately common. Do not store theft-prone or valuable property in these spaces. Due to the risk of fire, no loose objects may be stored in the corridors of these spaces.
Strollers can be stored in the stroller rooms if you do not want them in your apartment. If you have a child who frequently uses their toy scooter, it can also be stored here during the summer. For long-term storage, we refer to the storage rooms.
Please note that it is not permitted to store strollers or any kind of toys in the stairwells as they are both a fire risk and a hindrance when evacuating!
If you have discovered any kind of vermin in your apartment, please contact Anticimex by calling 075 245 10 00 immediately. The housing association has an agreement with them to take care of it through our insurance at IF.
Do not place your garbage bag in the stairwell while waiting to be thrown away; in addition to unpleasant odors, it can also pose a fire hazard. Remember not to flush newspaper, napkins and other objects down the toilet. It is not only bad for the environment but can also cause blockages in the drain pipes. Any cleaning of the drain trunk is paid for by the member. After Christmas, when it's time to throw away the Christmas tree, please dispose of it properly and don’t leave it on the sidewalk outside the gate.
Residual waste
Use garbage bags for residual waste. Tie the bag together tightly.
Examples of residual waste: Plastic bags, diapers, envelopes and very sticky packaging. Smaller items of plastic, glass and paper that are not packaging also belong here.
Biological waste
Use the paper bag intended for the biological waste.
Examples of biological waste: Residues of meat, fish, fruit, bread and vegetables. Also eggshells, coffee grounds, coffee filters, kitchen towels and cut flowers.
Throw one bundle at a time. The newspapers must be loose. Any bag is thrown away as residual waste.
Examples of newspapers: Printed matter, all kinds of newspapers, brochures, paper and flyers. Post-it notes and envelopes are not considered papers.
Recycling room
Paper packaging, plastic, glass and metal is recycled in our recycling rooms or at the nearest recycling station. Please note that the recycling rooms have camera surveillance.
Large Rubbish
If you throw large rubbish, for example furniture, kitchen appliances, or large toys in the recycling rooms, you will get charged a fine of 2500/occasion. Instead, you should drive it to Bromma Återvinningscentral (map) to be sorted there, or you can use mobile services such as TipTapp to have someone else dispose of them.
It is the apartment owner’s duty to clean the apartment's water traps themselves - which should be done at least twice a year. In case of a larger family, we recommend you do it even more often. Is the drainage bad? Then it might be time.
70 218 besökare sedan 2020-02-02